Les cahiers de l'Islam
Les cahiers de l'Islam

Les cahiers de l'Islam

Tags (2) : Berkeley
Center for Islamic Studies at the Graduate Theological Union
With the academic and religious resources to offer a distinctively inter-religious and interdisciplinary approach, the Graduate Theological Union (GTU) founded the Center for Islamic Studies (CIS) in 2007. The center is building an academic platform to help scholars and students of many faiths learn about the richness of Islam and the diversity of Muslims, and emphasizes study and dialogue among contemporary Jewish, Christian, and Muslim communities.
Center of Middle Eastern Studies (University of Berkeley)
The CMES is recognized as one of the country's most important sources of information on the Arab states, Iran, Israel, Turkey, and the greater Islamic World.

The CMES promotes the interdisciplinary study of the Middle East on the University of California, Berkeley, campus and beyond, while privileging no single country, topic, or political position. From colloquia and conferences, to grant and research programs, to lecture and film series, we organize a wide variety of academic opportunities and extracurricular activities. Feel free to explore our website and join our mailing list for the latest updates on events and programs.