Les cahiers de l'Islam
Les cahiers de l'Islam

Les cahiers de l'Islam

The World Islamic Sciences and Education University (WISE) of Jordan
تهدف الجامعة إلى تزويد العالمين العربي والإسلامي بمختصين قادرين على إبراز الصورة المشرقة للإسلام والمسلمين في كل ما يتصل بالعقيدة والشريعة والعلوم والفكر والحضارة

.والفنون والعمارة الإسلامية اسهاما منها في المشروع الحضاري الإسلامي
Women’s Initiative for Self Empowerment (WISE)
WE ARE WISE WOMEN. The Women’s Initiative for Self Empowerment (WISE) is a self-defense, social entrepreneurship and leadership development movement for young Muslim women. Our goal is to inspire a network of young Muslim female leaders to become catalysts for the advancement of their communities and the world. Through leadership, self-defense, and social entrepreneurship trainings, we strengthen the skills of young women to overcome violence and become ambassadors for female empowerment
Women’s Initiative for Self Empowerment (WISE)
WE ARE WISE WOMEN. The Women’s Initiative for Self Empowerment (WISE) is a self-defense, social entrepreneurship and leadership development movement for young Muslim women. Our goal is to inspire a network of young Muslim female leaders to become catalysts for the advancement of their communities and the world. Through leadership, self-defense, and social entrepreneurship trainings, we strengthen the skills of young women to overcome violence and become ambassadors for female empowerment