Tags (3) : review
La « Revue académique Les cahiers de l’Islam » est une revue francophone de recherche en sciences humaines. Elle accueille des travaux menés dans divers domaines reliés au « fait » Musulman.
Elle dispose d'un comité de rédaction et d'un comité de lecture scientifique.
Elle dispose d'un comité de rédaction et d'un comité de lecture scientifique.
Tags :
comité de lecture,
comité de rédaction,
fait musulman,
international review,
Islamic studies,
la langue arabe,
philosophie arabe,
Revue académique,
Revue académique Les cahiers de l’Islam,
Revue d'études,
travaux scientifiques,
The Journal of Muslims in Europe is devoted to publishing articles dealing with contemporary issues on Islam and Muslims in Europe from all disciplines and across the whole region, as well as historical studies of relevance to the present. The focus is on articles offering cross-country comparisons or with significant theoretical or methodological relevance to the field Case studies with innovative approaches … read moreor on under-explored issues, and studies of policy and policy development in the various European institutions, including the European courts, and transnational movements and social and cultural processes are also welcome. The journal also welcomes book reviews.
The Journal of Qur'anic Studies is a triannual, bilingual, peer-reviewed journal that aims to encourage and promote the study of the Qur’an from a wide range of
scholarly perspectives, reflecting the diversity of approaches characteristic of this field of scholarship. JQS publishes articles both in English and Arabic, to encourage the bridging of the gap between the two traditions of Muslim and Western scholarship. The Journal of Qur'anic Studies is principally dedicated to the publication of original papers, with a book review section including reviews of new works on the Qur’an in the various languages of the Muslim world, as well as the output of the western academic presses.
scholarly perspectives, reflecting the diversity of approaches characteristic of this field of scholarship. JQS publishes articles both in English and Arabic, to encourage the bridging of the gap between the two traditions of Muslim and Western scholarship. The Journal of Qur'anic Studies is principally dedicated to the publication of original papers, with a book review section including reviews of new works on the Qur’an in the various languages of the Muslim world, as well as the output of the western academic presses.
Les Cahiers de l'Islam © 2012-2023. Tous droits réservés.
ISSN 2269-1995 Contact : redaction (at) lescahiersdelislam.fr |