Les cahiers de l'Islam
Les cahiers de l'Islam

Les cahiers de l'Islam

Sites d'Informations/Culture

Inauguré le 15 janvier 2002, ce site bilingue (français-anglais) propose des informations et analyses sur les facteurs religieux dans le monde contemporain.

Attentif aux développements et tendances sans négliger l'histoire, ce site indépendant se place en amont de l'actualité et tente de fournir quelques clés pour la comprendre. Religioscope ® est une marque déposée. Le fondateur et rédacteur responsable de Religioscope est Jean-François Mayer, né en Suisse en 1957, historien de formation.
Quotidien musulman d'actualité.

La rédaction vous propose une information approfondie sur l'islam et les musulmans européens.
The Conversation
The Conversation est un nouveau média en ligne d'information et d'analyse de l'actualité indépendant, qui publie des articles grand public écrits par les chercheurs et les universitaires. L'équipe de journalistes expérimentés travaille en collaboration avec les universités et les instituts de recherche afin de diffuser leur savoir vers le plus grand nombre.
The Electronic Intifada
The Electronic Intifada is an independent online news publication and educational resource focusing on Palestine, its people, politics, culture and place in the world. Founded in 2001, The Electronic Intifada has won awards and earned widespread recognition for publishing original, high-quality news and analysis, and first-person accounts and reviews. The Electronic Intifada’s writers and reporters include Palestinians and others living inside Palestine and everywhere else that news about Palestine and Palestinians is made.
The Islamic Monthly
The Islamic Monthly (TIM) is an independent, nonreligious, U.S. based hybrid print and digital publication that fosters discussion on a broad range of issues and concerns related to the modern world. The magazine launched in January 2011 in an effort to create a forum for the free exchange of ideas, perspectives and opinions. TIM is part of an ongoing experiment of a free press eager to build on the rich tradition of public discourse found in throughout history. We firmly believe that an honest discourse is only possible when we open ourselves to response, criticism, feedback and debate. In this spirit, we invite our readers, supporters and critics to participate in this process.
The Muslim Vibe
The Muslims Vibe is a grassroots media platform to inspire, inform & empower Muslim millennials to build a strong and united Muslim identity through ethical and engaging Islamic content ! Over the past decade Muslims living in the West have been under a increasing pressure, with a growing anti-Muslim sentiment in the media, government policy and amongst fellow citizens. Many Muslims feels that the name of Islam has been hijacked and tarnished by extremists on both sides, for their own political agenda.

It was in this context, that the idea for The Muslim Vibe was conceived. We wanted to create a platform that empowered Western Muslims and to enable us to reclaim the narrative on Islam. The Muslim Vibe strives to fight for the middle ground in an ever-polarised world, whilst representing and promoting true Islamic values and principles.
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