Les cahiers de l'Islam
Les cahiers de l'Islam

Les cahiers de l'Islam

Instituts et Universités islamiques

Université Islamique de Rotterdam (IUR)
In consonance with constitutional rights, Muslims have very recently founded Islamic primary and secondary schools within the educational system in the Netherlands. Since 1997, the IUR has been founded as a result of initiatives taken by Muslims living in the Netherlands. Since then, the IUR is established as a Dutch University and more importantly as an intellectual contribution of Muslims to the Dutch society. There has been a general agreement among the founders, being responsible citizens, as regards to the IUR as a social necessity for Muslims and non-Muslims in the Dutch society. There are currently more than 900.000 Muslims living in the Netherlands. With a view to fulfil the social and religious needs of the Muslims, the University contributes with respect to imams and moral guides in the Dutch educational field.
Through academic education and research, the IUR aims to contribute to the concretization of the following anthological synthesis: "Live as a Muslim and as a responsible citizen of the Dutch society."
Université islamique de Médine
L'Université islamique de Médine est une institution islamique mondiale basée en Arabie saoudite. Elle identifie ses objectifs comme suit :
*Rapporter le message éternel de l'Islam au monde à travers la sensibilisation islamique, l'enseignement universitaire et post universitaire.
*Inculquer et développer l'esprit islamique, et approfondir la vie religieuse de l'individu et celle la société, basées sur la sincérité dans l'adoration de Dieu et le suivi du Messager de Dieu...
Zaytuna College (USA)
Since its founding by Hamza Yusuf in 1996, Zaytuna has been attempting to address these issues through a variety of educational programs. Zaytuna’s 
vision has always been to create a lasting institution of higher learning. To that end, we launched a pilot seminary program in 2004 that graduated five students in 2008. Based on our experience with the pilot program, we are moving forward with our plans to establish the first accredited Muslim college in the United States. Zaytuna College will function at a level comparable to the best of religious seminaries and general institutions of higher education in the United States. We have carefully designed a rigorous curriculum in Islamic Studies and Arabic, as well as in the humanities and social sciences, so our students can confidently navigate the cultural, political, and intellectual currents that are shaping our world.
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