Tags (4) : Texas
While housed in the Department of Middle Eastern Studies, Islamic Studies is envisioned as a multi-disciplinary and multi-regional field of study. Therefore, the program allows students the flexibility to choose from a broad selection of courses related to Islam and Muslim societies offered in a variety of other departments as well, such as African and African-American Studies, Asian Studies, History, Sociology, Anthropology and Art History, taught in rotation by approximately twenty faculty across the University.
Our unique professional skill in the field of Television Production and documentary filmmaking has made IslamInSpanish a worldwide distribution source on the local Comcast Channel 17 public access channel for years equaling over 250+ television shows produced that have gone on to be broadcast internationally in channels in Spain and throughout the nation as well as online. Our mission is to inspire, lead and pioneer solutions in educating Latinos and communities about Islam in the Spanish language through media production and grassroots outreach worldwide. Get to know us through our story as told through video.
The Islamic Learning Foundation is an institute that has been developed to provide a solid foundation of knowledge, direction, and a fusion of classical learning and modern Islamic activism for Muslims in North America.
Considering the myriad of needs that our community and our society faces, ILF has been created to give American Muslims the tools of knowledge they need to face contemporary religious and social problems, the ability and confidence to convey the message of Islam to a wider audience, and to give direction towards the various social, family, and community issues which we face.
ILF has been designed with young adults in mind and offers part-time, evening, and weekend classes to familiarize students with fundamental Islamic topics, and then build upon that foundation to provide a solid grounding and literacy in Islamic Knowledge.
Considering the myriad of needs that our community and our society faces, ILF has been created to give American Muslims the tools of knowledge they need to face contemporary religious and social problems, the ability and confidence to convey the message of Islam to a wider audience, and to give direction towards the various social, family, and community issues which we face.
ILF has been designed with young adults in mind and offers part-time, evening, and weekend classes to familiarize students with fundamental Islamic topics, and then build upon that foundation to provide a solid grounding and literacy in Islamic Knowledge.
Our mission is to inspire, lead and pioneer solutions in educating Latinos and communities about Islam in the Spanish language through media production and grassroots outreach worldwide. Get to know us through our story as told through video.
Les Cahiers de l'Islam © 2012-2023. Tous droits réservés.
ISSN 2269-1995 Contact : redaction (at) lescahiersdelislam.fr |